Shay Diddy

Shay Diddy

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Couple Spotted Swimming In Lake Merritt.

Oakland and Lake Merritt

Photo: Getty Images

Lake Merritt has banned swimming in Oakland's lake since 1897.Apparently, that didn't stop a couple from enjoying their holiday weekend by seemingly having a race swimming in the unfiltered water!

Besides being illegal, there are numerous reasons why many would never swim in Lake Merritt. For starters, in the early 1900's 90% of the cityโ€™s sewage wound up in Lake Merrittโ€™s waters. That's no longer the case now but some sewage can still end up in the lake in instances where a pipe bursts and there is leakage or seeping. Also, there have been reports of people getting scabies after swimming in the lake!

Locals have always avoided the "Lake of 1,000" smells and reacted to the viral video on social media with comments like:

Even the craziest crackheads wonโ€™t swim in Lake Merritt. Hope the whites who went for a โ€œsplashโ€ today get west nile virus
Iโ€™m not about to play with these white people swimming in Lake Merritt! In my whole life, shooo in my whole Grandaddyโ€™s life, never have I ever seen anyone swim in this lake.. it stank, dirty, like Iโ€™m so alarmed lol like whyyyyy

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