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Kanye West's Newest Trouble He's Gotten Himself Into

Jamel Herring v Shakur Stevenson

Photo: Brandon Magnus / Getty Images Sport / Getty Images

Kanye West really gives the egotistical impression that he thinks he's invincible. His latest stunt is using a Donna Summer sample of "Feel Love" that her estate denied him to use. He ignored the estate's firm answer and used the sample anyways on "Good (Don't Die)". It is unclear how the estate is choosing to move forward regarding his lack of permission and respect. Ozzy Osbourne also brought it to the public's attention that Kanye also reached out to him to sample "War Pig" and after being denied, he then sampled "Iron Man" for his song "Carnival". Ozzy is not happy and made it clear that he doesn't want anything to do with him and his antisemitic ways. First Adidas, then Def Jam, now several artists...this guy sure knows how to burn bridges.

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