Please join the family of Otis E. Jones as they march for justice! Checkout all the information down below.
Come join US for a peace walk for Otis “Peanut” Jones. As many of you know that on August 1, 2018 Near 104th and Jonen just one block North of Mill Road. At approximately 11:50AM Otis was shot over 13 times and killed allegedly over his dog running into a nearby neighbor’s yard. No one was charged in his death and no one is in custody. We, the family, of Otis have walked every first Saturday of each month while remaining optimistic and steadfast in our faith that justice will prevail. We are committed and will NOT stop until someone is in custody, and charged for his murder. We ask that if anyone has seen ANYTHING regarding this murder please say something. Join Us on Saturday May 8th 2021 at 10:00am. We are gathering on the corner of 104th and Mill Road. Let’s get Justice For Otis Jones.
If any one has any information they would like to share please contact our Private Investigator Tom Fisher (414) 460-0006
We also would like sponsors to help us in our quest and any information that would be helpful. We can be reached at
We have a GoFundMe set up for legal assistance and our continued quest in seeking Justice For Otis Jones. Please donate and share the link with family and friends. Thank you all and God Bless YOU ALL.
Clink the link below to donate