Reggie Brown

Reggie Brown

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Video: Milwaukee Public Schools First Semester Will Be Online!

According to Fox 6 News, "The Milwaukee Public School board voted late Thursday night, July 16 to move ahead with a 3-phase reopening plan. The first phase would have all MPS students starting the school year in a virtual setting." Many parents are not happy with this result. Protester are gathering in front of the Zeidler Building in downtown Milwaukee. The school board released a statement saying "Schools: Public and private K-12 schools shall remain closed for in-person pupil instruction and extracurricular activities until further notice. Schools may continue to facilitate distance or virtual learning.

School buildings and property may continue to be used for Essential Government Functions and food distribution. Food distribution shall comply with Physical Distancing and Protective Measure Requirements.

School leaders are encouraged to reach out to the City of Milwaukee Health Department regarding the upcoming school year and their plans to comply with the Department of Public Instruction COVID-19 Safety (section 4)."

Let me know how you feel in the comments below.

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