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Between Milwaukee and Chicago, there were 87 shootings during this 4th of July weekend. In Chicago, there was 80 shootings, killing 15 people including 7 year old Natalia Wallace. She was playing with other children in her family's yard in a South Austin neighbor, when she was shot in the forehead. Natalia was later pronounced dead at the hospital. Here in Milwaukee, we had 7 shootings which ended with 12 people dying. Look, we have to put down the guns! My heart goes out to all the families who lost someone this weekend. Let's have a SAFE SUMMER! Go to our v100.com homepage and search keyword "SAFE" for resource and programs for everyone this summer.
Also, check out this story about the 8 year old girl who was shot and killed in Atlanta, Georgia this weekend as well. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/05/us/atlanta-shootings-secoriea-turner-rayshard-brooks/index.html
Photo Credit: Fox6 Now