Happy Juneteenth! If you didn't know Juneteenth is celebrated because in 1865 the last slaves were freed in Galveston, Texas two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Lincoln. Today, we still face social injustices, racism, and so much more, but today we are celebrating each other. Down below are Local Black Owned Businesses in Milwaukee!
Sherman Phoenix: https://www.shermanphoenix.com
Trusted Kicks: https://trustedkicks.com
Garb Junkie: https://www.facebook.com/garbjunkie/
Nikavonni's: http://nikavonnis.com
Belli's Bistro: bellismke.com
Daddy's Soul Food & Grille: Daddysoulfoodgrille.com
Gee's Clippers: http://geesclippers.com
Bijou Nails & Company: https://www.facebook.com/Bijou-Nails-And-Company
Pat's Ribs: Patsribplace.net
Pepper Pot: pepperpot-catering.square.site
She Shoe Box: https://www.shaeshoebox.com
Fast Break Cafe: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fast-Break/
Photo Credit: Getty Image