In Kanye West's recent interview with GQ Magazine, he discussed his political views about the 2020 election year. According to The Hollywood Reporter when the rapper was asked would he hold back on voicing his political views, West said, "No, I'm definitely voting this time, and we know who I'm voting on, and I'm not going to be told by the people around me and the people that have their agenda that my career is going to be over. Because guess what: I'm still here." When asked why would he re-elect Donald Trump he said, "I buy real estate. It's better now than when Obama was in office. They don't teach you in school about buying property. They teach you how to become somebody's property." Whew, OH-KAY KAN-YE. No matter who you vote for make sure you do your research about their presidential agenda. Let me know what you think in the comments below .
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