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Please put the guns down. Camille Mays, a community activist against violence, just lost her son Darnell Woodard to gun violence Sunday night. Unfortunately 21 year old Darnell did not make it after being shot near 44th and Center. This is what Camille had to say, "That was my Bookah. I never wanted to be here," she said. "I never could have imagined being here. I do this every day," Mays said. "I didn't wait until it came to my door. I tried to stop it from coming to my door, from touching my family, but it didn't. It didn't stop it, but I want to still fight against it." This story just breaks my heart. Camille Mays founded the Peace Garden Project which allows families of victims to have a permanent memorials for their love one, who passed away do to violence. Anyone with information can call 414-935-7360 or contact Milwaukee Crime Stoppers at 414-224-TIPS(8477).
Checkout the video here --> https://tinyurl.com/yekx4w5a
Photo Credit: Journal Sentinel