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Saturday, November 2, 2019 Master P and the No Limit Family were performing in St. Louis at the Chaifetz Arena but the audience was not having it......they were heated. So far the No Limit Reunion tour has been doing great with sold out shows; but according to the St. Louis American website their performance quality is the problem. The article states the whole No Limit crew was 2 hours late causing the show to start at 9 p.m. instead of 7p.m. Then Master P kicked off the show with the Hot Boyz and Mystikal only for them to perform for 10 minutes and left the stage. The whole crew returned to the stage after another 10 minute delay, but they didn't perform. As they were on stage talking about some of the artist accomplishment, the crowd grew restless. The audience made their disappointment very known as Master P tried to calm the crowd with a song suggestion. After a negative response Master says "Man, I'm gone. I love you St. Louis" and was booed all the way off stage. Checkout the video below and let me know what you think in the comments.