V100.7 @ MetroPCS

Join Reggie Brown and V100.7 at MetroPCS (3718 S. 27th St., Milwaukee) on Sunday, August 13 from 2-4pm.  Stop by and spin the prize wheel for a chance to win awesome prizes!  Click here for more.

Get TWO FREE awesome smartphones with 32GB of memory when you switch to MetroPCS.  Only MetroPCS gives you twice the memory of any free phone.  MetroPCS.  Wireless Figured out.  NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. 

Plus, the first 200 kids to stop by will get a backpack with free school supplies.  (While supplies last, first come, first serve).  The first 200 children at the participating MetroPCS location mentioned only on the date and during the time mentioned.  Limited to 200 available; no rain checks given.  Limit one backpack per child.  Free backpack has no cash value.  Promotion is subject to change or cancellation without notice.

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