Video: 4th Of July Weekend Was Poppin'.....Literally SMH

Between Milwaukee and Chicago, there were 87 shootings during this 4th of July weekend. In Chicago, there was 80 shootings, killing 15 people including 7 year old Natalia Wallace. She was playing with other children in her family's yard in a South Austin neighbor, when she was shot in the forehead. Natalia was later pronounced dead at the hospital. Here in Milwaukee, we had 7 shootings which ended with 12 people dying. Look, we have to put down the guns! My heart goes out to all the families who lost someone this weekend. Let's have a SAFE SUMMER! Go to our homepage and search keyword "SAFE" for resource and programs for everyone this summer.

Also, check out this story about the 8 year old girl who was shot and killed in Atlanta, Georgia this weekend as well.

Photo Credit: Fox6 Now

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