SMH: I Can't Believe This Dude George Zimmerman Is.....

8 years ago, George Zimmerman took the life of Trayvon Martin in Florida, and now he is looking to sue Trayvon Martin's parents and former attorney. George says he was the victim of a conspiracy and malicious prosecution. As a result, his attorney ,Larry Klayman, claims George has suffered defamation rendering him unable to get a proper job, which he says effects his mental health. For his "suffering" he wants a hundred million dollars. Martin family attorney Benjamin Crump says, "revictimizing individuals whose lives were shattered by his own misguided actions." And I agree. He has taken enough from this family and it should be illegal to put them through another trail after losing their son do to HIS OWN misguided actions. Let me know how you feel in the comments below.

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