Lil Kim's new show "Girls Cruise" with Chilli, Mya & more airs July 15th

It looks like this Summer VH1 is getting another reality show with some familiar faces, hit-makers and sexy ladies. The Queen Bee Lil Kim has a new show "Girls Cruise" premiering on July 15th. Her co-stars or shipmates will be R&B beauty Mya, TLC's Chili, Comedienne B.Simone and others. The show looks like it's taking a cue from the hit movie "Girls Trip" as well as VH1 hit series "Love & Hip Hop" but adding exotic locations and a cruise-ship. If you're interested take a look at the trailer below for more. I been in love with Mya since I was like 12 so i'll check it out just to see her!

Video via You Tube

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